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GardX Moto Protect
Xtreme Corrosion Protection

The Problem

A large percentage of your motorcycle is exposed metal and alloys, which are under constant attack from moisture, road salt and other corrosive elements. All too quickly this will degrade the appearance of your motorcycle through rust, corrosion and pitting.

That’s why your motorcycle needs powerful, extra protection if you want to retain that showroom-like appearance.

The Solution


Stufe 1

Diese leistungsstarke Formulierung mit Nanotechnologie dringt in die Moleküle des Lacks ein und bereitet ihn für die Versiegelung und den Schutz mit Stufe 2 vor.

Stufe 2

Verbindet sich dauerhaft mit der Stufe 1 und bildet eine Schutzschicht auf dem Lack wie eine zweite Haut, die Angriffen und Verunreinigungen durch Schadstoffe und Straßenschmutz widersteht.

Sobald das 2-Stufen-System aufgetragen wurde, schützt es vor den Auswirkungen der UV-Strahlen der Sonne, saurem Regen, Meer- und Streusalz und sorgt für ein hochglänzendes Finish, das sein Aussehen nach jedem Waschen behält. 

How it works

GardXCP Xtreme Corrosion Protection is a soft, anti-corrosive compound. It creates a long lasting protective barrier to protect any steel, metal or alloy surface against the effects of rust and corrosion. After professional application the bonding of the film with the metal surface will ensure market leading corrosion resistance.

It can be applied to any exposed metal surfaces including engine components, chrome, alloys and electrical connections. Due to its low surface tension, once applied GardXCP spreads out quickly to provide optimal surface coverage and penetrates into inaccessible areas, such as seams, joints and threads. This gives unrivalled protection to your motorcycle.

To ensure maximum protection for the longest possible time, GardXCP comes complete with a customer care pack to continue the protection of your motorcycle. It contains three GardXCP products: Professional Chain Lube, High Performance Multi-Purpose spray and GardXCP Xtreme Corrosion Protection spray.


Give your motorcycle the protection it deserves


Once professionally applied, GardXCP Xtreme Corrosion Protection provides all these benefits:

  • Protects the future resale value of your motorcycle

  • Professional atomisation application delivers maximise coverage and penetration

  • Provides a durable, long lasting, non-sticky, soft surface film

  • Shields your motorcycle’s metalwork from the harmful effects of corrosion

  • Class leading protection from corrosion and rust

  • Customer care pack to ensure maximum ongoing protection

  • Protects your electrical connections from harmful moisture ingress

  • Optimal surface coverage that penetrates the most inaccessible areas

  • In test after test, GardXCP sets unrivalled standards

  • Can keep your motorcycle corrosion free**

* GardXCP Xtreme Corrosion Protection – Powered by XCP Rust Blocker Clear Coat

**Terms and conditions apply

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