Fuel and Oil Additives
GardX fuel and oil additives are a range of professional products for your vehicle that help maintain and clean vital engine components, improving economy, performance and the efficiency of both petrol and diesel engines.
Contact us to find the nearest local centre that can apply these products to your vehicle.
Petrol Additive
What does it do?
GardX Petrol Additive removes gums, tars, varnishes, lacquers and carbons that build up between extended service intervals. The additive also cleans fuel pump and lines, injectors (or carburetors), intake ports, intake valves and compression rings.
Restores lost engine efficiency and optimises performance.
Reduces harmful emissions (CO, HC, NO).
Increases fuel economy.
Micro – emulsifies any water in the fuel or tank (on application), to keep injectors clear.

Diesel Additive
What does it do?
GardX Diesel Additive removes gums, tars, varnishes, lacquers and carbons that build up between extended service intervals whilst cleaning the fuel pump and lines, injectors, intake ports, intake valves and compression rings.
Restores lost engine efficiency and optimises performance.
Reduces harmful emissions (CO, HC, NO).
Reduces engine smoke and particulate emissions
Increases fuel economy.
Prevents fungal contamination.
DPF Cleaner
What does it do?
DPF Cleaner has been specially formulated to combat the adverse effects that start/stop driving conditions have on Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) regeneration. DPF Cleaner can be used in all common rail and turbo charged diesel engines with standard or retro fitted Diesel Particulate Filters.
Increases durability of the filter system.
Minimises unscheduled servicing costs.
Widens the temperature range of re-generation.
Prevents run away regeneration.
Prevents performance loss caused by clogged filters.
Reduces soot emissions.

Engine Oil Flush

What does it do?
GardX Engine Oil Flush is suitable for use in both petrol and diesel engines and is also recommended for manual gearboxes and differentials.
This product works under pressure to clean oil ways and oil galleries and cleans all areas where oil circulates under pressure.
It also removes gums, tars, varnishes, sludge, carbon and corrosive acids from the crankcase, galleries, oil ways and piston rings.
Restores oil circulation.
Extends engine life.
Improves economy.
Reduces harmful emissions.
Oil Enhancer
What does it do?
GardX Oil Enhancer enhances the lubrication and cleaning properties of engine oil and at the same time it decreases friction load on moving parts, extending engine life. The product neutralises crankcase acids, dissolves hard oil formations and its powerful dispersants keep harmful sludge constituents finely suspended in the oil.
Improves fuel economy.
Extends engine life.
Improves engine power.
Maintains oil pressure.
Reduces engine noise and cold start rattle in older engines.
Adds additional inhibitors that will extend the oil’s useful life.